Professional Transition and Strategic Development

through LEADEM Mentoring



Individuals and companies, LEADEM Mentoring

meets your needs
based on 3 values




leadem mentoring leadership triangle logo professional societal personal training

Our methodology aims at:

Professional Excellence | with Strong Personal Values | Socially Committed

One method, several services :


Professional Transition and Reconversion, What are your needs?

“With our professional transition and reconversion method, we take you to a higher level in your professional career. Regardless of your sector, your career path, your training, Leadem Mentoring will accompany you hand in hand and help you to improve professionally and reach levels that today seem unattainable.

Our method allows us to get to know you as an individual, your values, your desires and ambitions and to work individually with you on your achievements, your professional objectives, your desired quality of life and your personal life balance.”

Leadem Maria Escuer- expert in career guidance and retraining - founder of leadem
Maria Escuer - Founder of LEADEM Mentoring
International Expert on Human Relations
and Professional Development

What offers Leadem Mentoring ?

Our Mentoring services and trainings allow us to support individuals and companies in a personalized and self-confident way:

  1. the search for qualified jobs through our reverse headhunting strategy (contacting and finding your next position in the companies we have targeted together),
  2. the creation of a company or a new professional project through our strategy of passion-need balance. We accompany you in defining the idea, analyzing the thirst of the market, concretizing the project, choosing the public, the prices and the product launch.
  3. the improvement of Soft Skills, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence creating a brand image and a strategic positioning within your company. How many times have you felt that you are working above average but you don’t receive the promotion? This becomes even more important in teleworking!

In a few words: If you always give the best of yourself, without forgetting your convictions and human values, and if you want to go further professionally, Leadem is for you!

Why do you need to wait any longer?

Become the Leader you have within you!

Mentoring and Training for individuals
Coaching and training for individuals

« The Leadem values are values that I carry with me daily with deep conviction. The more the world becomes digital, the more the human being is valued. The human being as a Humane person, as a Talent, leader, negotiator, creator, artist, as a friend. »

Maria Escuer, Founder at LEADEM – Read her bio

Why should you think about a transition?

The number one reason for leaving the company is no longer the salary :

  • Unsatisfactory communication with one’s superior
  • Search for meaning and autonomy,
  • Inadequate work-life balance

LEADEM Mentoring Solutions

Our Services to meet your Needs :

Mentoring for Individuals :


Mentoring for Companies :

Besides our Conferences and Workshops, we offer the following services :



Conferences for Business Schools and Companies

Our Latest Articles

Discover our latest articles, videos and content on professional reconversion, soft skills, job interviews, job search, business creation and mentoring.

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